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Designing Professional Learning

Many Professional Development courses lack engaging activities or even lack the relevance to certain grade levels. I will be designing a Professional Learning course based on implementing ePortfolios into the elementary classroom. I want to support teachers and students by offering specific help for educators. By providing learning for educators every step of the way, our students have a higher chance of understanding because the teachers themselves understand. So many times, Professional Learning glazes over important nitty-gritty details and I want to offer as much information as possible. 


Click the button to the left to view my Professional Learning Plan Outline. 

This project will be presented to my school in grade level specific meetings. Educators will also be offered one on one sessions with myself to help them better implement ePortfolio's into their classrooms!

All Together Now

In this document, I connect all of my ideas in regards to my Professional Learning Plan. My plan is to help educators create and implement ePortfolios into their own classrooms. 

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