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Organizational Change

I still have so much to learn about leading and creating change within my school, but I have been given resources to help. I now have a more clear and purposeful vision for my innovation plan that will benefit me and whoever else participates.

For example:


Why, How, and What

These statements gave me a more clear direction of what I wanted and where I wanted to go with my innovation plan. It made me realize the passion I had that I also want to share with my students. As an educator, I want to provide an authentic learning environment where my students have the opportunity to showcase who they are. 

Vital Behaviors and Six Sources of Influence

While the why, how, what showed what I wanted for my students, the vital behaviors and sources of influences is how I will directly effect my colleagues. Teachers are often given information overload and are expected to implement new things all the time. This gives detailed information on what behaviors I want to change, how we will measure it, as well as assistance for those who need extra help.  

4 Disciplines of Execution

The 4 disciplines of execution is all about the data and how those who are participating go about completely and reaching the goal. We have to determine our WIG (Wildly Important Goal), while also determining how we will measure the data we collect. Everyone has to be on the same page or else the goal could be in jeopardy. 

Crucial Conversations

Crucial conversations are so vital when you are trying to create change in your organization. Crucial conversations are those that have varying opinions, strong emotions, and have high stakes. In order for us to move forward with our goals and actions presented in the the Why, How, and What, Vital Behaviors/6 Sources of Influence, and the 4DX, we must be able to have crucial conversations. This means that we need to be clear about what it is we want, be respectful when others are speaking or have new ideas, don't let our emotions get the best of us, and remember a shared mutual purpose. 

Putting it Together 

All of the above resources have greatly helped my innovation plan move forward. I became even more aware of what I want and how I will go about accomplishing my goals. Not only has this helped me to really nail down my ideas and details as to how I want to implement the change in my school through my innovation plan, but it has also helped my in my relationships with other staff. I have learned how to hold those tough conversations and to work together to complete a common goal. Also, I have learned that I can help teachers who want to participate in my plan but may not know how to. I am excited to see the effect on my organization in the near future.

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