I think we can prepare learners to have questions and curiosity by allowing it to happen. So often, I feel that learners are shut down in their questioning due to time restraints, curriculum guidelines, and even the lack of understanding by the teacher. If we refuse to let our children explore, how will they grow a passion and interest for learning? When it comes to digital learning, I think if you want the student to be inspired, we as educators need to show them the creativity and fun that can come out of technology. I think in regards to Dewey and this course, I am being challenged to think outside my comfort zone. It has been difficult and a bit scary but I also think this will help my students in the long run. By teaching my students to be inquisitive and show them that it is okay to break out of their comfort zones I think they will be better off in the long run. I also believe I have a unique position, I have mentioned before that I teach at the Pre-k level and so at my district we let them learn a lot by exploration and hands-on activities. I want my kids to figure it out themselves, not so that I don't have to teach but so they are learning from each other and forming those critical thinking and problem solving skills. We need to be doing that more with technology as well so they have a better foundation moving forward in school.
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