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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureHannah McGough

Power of Growth Mindset - EDLD 5313 D5

I think it is awfully ironic that we are discussing growth mindset with the condition the world is in. Our education system is now being completely flipped and you have two options, will you crumble to the pressure and struggles of remote learning or will you rise to the occasion? Modeling the growth mindset cannot be simply through words, but in everything we do, in every challenge we face. We must be willing to accept that maybe we can't be successful yet, but if we continue to persevere and work, we will accomplish and meet our goals. This is true even now with how we are being asked to teach our kids. I see so many teachers who are struggling with this and they are wanting to throw in the towel and not learn how teach online. What example is that setting for our kids? Don't get me wrong, it is difficult and I get that, but we need to rise and not fall. I have seen struggle in teaching Pre-K online considering we do most of our learning through exploring, but we are managing and my kids are still learning! 

I think if a student has a growth mindset they have an entirely different outlook on grades ad cheating. When a student sees their learning as something that can grow and evolve they will work harder in order to achieve the grade they desire. Grit and growth mindset can go hand in hand. As said in the last TEDTALK video for this week, "Growth mindset can build grit." I think that by building that growth mindset into the environment of your classroom, your students will be more likely to want to fight for the knowledge they desire and the outcomes they want. This has become apparent in the last few weeks of remote learning for my pre-k students. I see the ones who despite what is going on, they still want to learn and try new things. It is doesn't matter if it is my highest or lowest kids, you can see who actually has grit and a growth mindset.

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